Thursday, January 13, 2011

Something like that

Here's another question:
4,5行目の~land of China in, like, a million years or something like that. このsomething like that は「100年かそれぐらいぶりに中国を訪れた~」みたいな訳でいいでしょうか?
Here's the whole sentence:
We were the first Americans to visit the land of China in, like, a million years or something like that.
And here's my answer:
Your translation is very good, except Forrest does not say 100 years. "In a million years" is "1,000,000年ぶり". Children use "a million" to mean "a lot." Forrest Gump sometimes talks like a child.
"something like that"というのは、「正確ではないかも知れませんが、だいたいそんなもんだ」という意味です。"a million years or something like that"は「1,000,000年ぐらい」というよりも「かなり長い間行っていなかった」とか「かなり久しぶりに行った」などのような訳でいいだろうと思います。


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